At Pixel Scrapper Bina posted a school supply challenge. So I decided to share something I made for my daughter a couple of years ago.
She wasn’t the voracious reader back then which she is now. But I kept trying to encourage reading. And I think it paid off! I now have the problem of keeping a supply of books on hand for her! But that’s ok ~that’s a good problem đ
I know it’s not Summer here and most are just getting started with school. But my hope is it may be useful to someone at some point. You can download the Summer Bingo freebie below. Hopefully I will be able to share some more things soon too.
I used my Summer Memories bundle at Digital Scrapbook to create this fun freebie.
Summer fun makes for a lot of summer memories! This collection of kits, Summer, is perfect for all those watermelon ice cream and popsicle consuming layouts and projects!
You can find the bundle I used to create this bingo sheet over at Digital scrapbook.
My daughter did enjoy it and was even asking to do it again. So I am guessing it would be a hit with other kids too. I didnt know your to-be daughter in law is a teacher ~ how nice! What grade level does she teach?
5th grade:) wich is CM2 for us. least 5th graders are not too difficult {I hope hehe!}. Wish her the best in her teaching career! â„
Such a great idea ! I’ll tell about this to my (future) daughter in law who is a teacher.