I tend to stay pretty busy. If it’s not gathering summer or fall vegetables – it’s preserving them, if it’s not homeschooling – it’s grading papers, if it’s not creating a new kit – it’s creating blog posts & newsletters, if it’s not cooking dinner – it’s doing laundry and so on and so on. I guess really, I am not one for unwinding much – so I don’t think much about this topic. But after Creative Team member AMarie, suggested this theme, I thought it would be a good one to do and I thought it would work well with the February blog train colors. So my latest bundle, Time to Unwind, is all about just that! I couldn’t encompass every hobby that might be what your downtime looks like but it’s my hope you will find something you can use to document your stories of time for yourself. (I really need to do some of that myself!) The bundle coordinates with the February Blog Train, and that means I also have a freebie for you today!

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Digital Scrapbook Blog Train Freebie

Here is my February 2024 Blog Train contribution. You can download this free mini kit by clicking on the button below.

If you would like to find more blog train contributions you can go back to the Digital Scrapbook forum here to find them.

New Release at Digital Scrapbook

When things are really hectic, sometimes it is nice to just have some time to unwind. Some ways you may find yourself engaging in to have some downtime are reading, drawing, knitting, or listening to music. Of course, your mileage may vary, as we are all so very diverse in our interests and hobbies. But whatever the case I am sure you will relate to this bundle, Time to Unwind. With over 200 elements, clusters, journal cards, and papers there is something to help you document those moments where you take time out for yourself. A special shout out to thank AMarie for suggesting this theme!

Creative Team Inspiration

Take a look at these lovely and happy pages which my Creative Team has put together to inspire you! I love how happy and light-hearted they make you feel!

Credits Above Left: Lou | Right: Valentina 

Credits Above AMarie

Credits Above Left: Bourico | Center: Poki | Right: AMarie

Credits Above Left: Valentina  | Right: AMarie

Credits Above Poki

Jump to: Freebie | Coordinating Bundle | Inspiration

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  1. Thank you so much for the lovely kit. Much appreciated x

    1. You are very welcome & thank you for visiting Sarah!

  2. Thanks, Jess! Great freebie. 😀

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Bev!

  3. Just lovely, thanks so much!!

    1. You are quite welcome Tricia! Thanks for taking the time to comment! ♥

  4. I just love the colors and patterns you used! thank you

    1. Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment Christina! 🙂

  5. Thank you!

    1. You are very welcome Hephzibah! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Your kits are always so wonderful Jessica, thank you so much for this one xoxo

    1. Aww thank you sooo much Wendy! ♥

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